Archive for the ‘Life Lessons’ Category

Growing Down!

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Have you ever heard the quote, “Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.”? (Rod McKuen)

Friends holding hands.It’s amazing how this quote can be observed among children. Perhaps a child observes another child building a tall tower and wants to join, or a little girl notices another little girl wearing a pink dress and says, “ Pink is my favourite color.” Children have an amazing gift of non-judgment that breaks down walls before they are even built. They see the commonalities instead of the differences among them.

What an example for adults! As we grow up, adults tend to be much more cautious. We conceal the truth of who we really are until it feels “safe” …until the other person is deemed trustworthy of knowing that we have many faults, yet is still willing to care anyway.

How many special relationships have you let pass by as you’ve grown up? What would it take for you to “grow down”?


Daddy’s Home!

Monday, July 26th, 2010

Waiting for DaddyDon’t you love walking through the door at home and seeing your child running toward you repeatedly yelling your name with excitement?

This happened recently as my three children saw their father’s work van pull into the driveway. “Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!”, was heard throughout the entire house as they jumped up and down together when he walked in the house. They were so excited to spend time with him before the day ended.

As a mom, my heart melted at the sight and sound of it all. As a Dad, he ate it up!  Having a great husband and father of my children should not be underestimated, and yet, how often is he told how much he is appreciated? Not nearly as much as he deserves.

Yet, the God who created us often gets even less appreciation as the craziness of life takes its toll on families. When was the last time you were excited to spend time with the One who created you?


A Paralyzing Peacock

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

PeacockRecently my family travelled to Shubenacadie Wildlife Park for an afternoon of family fun. Once inside the park, we observed a beautiful peacock standing near the entrance. My son, who is almost two years old, was thrilled! “Peacock! Peacock!” he exclaimed with a huge smile. Then the beautiful peacock turned to all who were watching and flared his tail feathers. My son’s beaming smile quickly changed to a gut-wrenching cry of fear. For the remainder of the day, he would not go near any peacocks and was extremely timid of all the animals in the park for fear they would change into something he was not expecting.

Has fear ever kept you from something? Fear can be crippling, and for some people it can even be paralyzing, keeping you from enjoying the things that God has in store for you. We often have our own ideas of what direction our lives are heading, and when an unexpected turn occurs, for whatever reason, it can bring us to a complete stop.

Life will throw its twists and turns, but know that for God, nothing is unexpected. Are you ready for the next peacock that will turn your way?


Missing Out?

Monday, June 28th, 2010

BalloonsPebbleStone Creek Preschool celebrated the 2009-2010 school year-end on June 25th, and excitement was high among the children and family members who attended.

As the children finished a short presentation for their families, one of the preschool boys yelled to his mom in the audience that he needed to go to the washroom. She tried persuading him to hold it, but he could not, and off they went. We continued settling the rest of the preschool children on the stage for a story by Dr. Seuss: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Just as the story was about to be read, the little boy returned and climbed onto the stage. With such excitement, he announced, “I didn’t miss it! I didn’t miss the story!”

Do you ever feel you’re about to miss out on something? Finding a way to distribute my time between husband, children, church, and work is a full-time challenge. It can often feel impossible to meet all the demands without missing out on some special moments.

But even though all these areas are important, finding a balance is necessary. It’s so important to make time for those special moments, so one day, looking back, YOU can say with excitement, “I didn’t miss it!”

Debbie Edmonds
PebbleStoneCreek Preschool Director

PebbleStone Creek Preschool celebrated the 2009-2010 school year-end on June 25th, and excitement was high among the children and family members who attended.

As the children finished a short presentation for their families, one of the preschool boys yelled to his mom in the audience that he needed to go to the washroom. She tried persuading him to hold it, but he could not, and off they went. We continued settling the rest of the preschool children on the stage for a story by Dr. Seuss: “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” Just as the story was about to be read, the little boy returned and climbed onto the stage. With such excitement, he announced, “I didn’t miss it! I didn’t miss the story!”

Do you ever feel you’re about to miss out on something? Finding a way to distribute my time between husband, children, church, and work is a full-time challenge. It can often feel impossible to meet all the demands without missing out on some special moments.

But even though all these areas are important, finding a balance is necessary. It’s so important to make time for those special moments, so one day, looking back, YOU can say with excitement, “I didn’t miss it!”
