Hang the Meaning

Whether or not you enjoy the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, you have to admit that there is something about the lights and decorations that spark some child-like excitement within most of us.

I have always loved decorating my home for Christmas.  When I was a child, I loved decorating the Christmas tree with my family and  pulled out the boxes of decorations with excitement.  Now, as an adult, I enjoy these same traditions with my own children.  However, recently, a specific and very common Christmas decoration has caught my eye.

Wreaths…beautiful and traditional decorations displayed by millions during the Christmas season.  But as I recently discovered, there is more to this common door accessory.  The circle of boughs represents everlasting life brought through Jesus and the circular shape represents God himself who has no beginning and no end.  What a great reminder as to what this season is all about!

PebbleStone Creek Preschool is selling Christmas wreaths as a fundraiser to build a playground with orders being due on Friday, November 26th.  If you are interested in helping us  by purchasing a wreath, please call (902)865-3814 or email psc@srfconnect.com.

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