Growing Down!

Have you ever heard the quote, “Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.”? (Rod McKuen)

Friends holding hands.It’s amazing how this quote can be observed among children. Perhaps a child observes another child building a tall tower and wants to join, or a little girl notices another little girl wearing a pink dress and says, “ Pink is my favourite color.” Children have an amazing gift of non-judgment that breaks down walls before they are even built. They see the commonalities instead of the differences among them.

What an example for adults! As we grow up, adults tend to be much more cautious. We conceal the truth of who we really are until it feels “safe” …until the other person is deemed trustworthy of knowing that we have many faults, yet is still willing to care anyway.

How many special relationships have you let pass by as you’ve grown up? What would it take for you to “grow down”?


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