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What To Do When Things Get Messy May 21

Anyone that grew up around me knows I am not the kind of person that really liked getting dirty. I was the kind of child that could play in the dirt with his friends all day and not get any dirt on me. When my buddies ask me to go 4 wheeling back in the woods and it just finished raining, I know it means I would get muddy, and so I can comfortably respond to the invitation with, “I have a previous appointment.” (Ha.)

So to my surprise, I heard last year at the Leadership Summit that leadership can get messy. UGH!!  I have been avoiding getting dirty my whole life and now I am told the position I hold can get messy. I don’t think I fully understood what that really meant until 2010. I should have known last year that God would be up to something in my life if I am hearing that leadership is messy. Why did I need to know that? Was that trivial information or pertinent information?

When one gets covered in manure (which is not only dirty, but smelly), one quickly begins to wonder why he doesn’t get out of the way and go on an extended cruise where cow manure is not plentiful. However, when leadership gets messy, that is not the time to run and become passive – it’s definitely the time to become pro-active. Therefore, 2010 has been the year that I need to be more pro-active. (Even though cruising the Caribbean would have been more to my liking, it wasn’t what I was called to do.)

I want to encourage you to consider joining us this year for the Global Leadership Summit 2010. The dates are August 5&6. I really believe these two days will encourage, energize and equip you for where God has placed you at this time.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Leadership
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2 Responses

  1. 1
    Paul & Erica 

    You rock PDON! Thanks for being so honest. You are doing a fantastic job!

  2. 2
    Francien Zijlstra 

    Man! You just missed manure spreading at the farm… I’ll let you know next time when to come for a visit!! ;)

    Thanks for all the great work Paster Don!! We love you!!