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Archive for 2010

Don’t leave home without all the essentials. Jun 23

What do you do when a baby spits up all over your nice suit while on the platform just before you’re about to preach? There are a few options…

  1. Yell at the baby.
  2. Yell at the parents.
  3. Yell at yourself for holding a baby without a burping blanket to protect you.
  4. Laugh over the whole thing.

Well… the only real option is to just laugh over the whole thing. It actually bought back memories of being in college when a seagull dropped a load on me just as I opened the door to class.

The culprit - looking very guilty.

The guilty party, choosing option 4.

I should have had a burping blanket over my shoulder. I knew it was baby dedication Sunday and that I would be holding little babies, so why would I leave the house without being prepared?

As a Christian, I can’t even begin to think of how many times I have walked out the door without putting on the whole Armor of God. Those days I found myself in some very messy situations, and with no way to protect myself from the “spit up” of the enemy. Even as Christians, we need to be reminded that we shouldn’t leave home without the essentials.

Are you prepared for today and all its messes, or do you need to bring some essentials from home to face the day?

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | One Comment
Dad, You Are Missed Jun 22

“Creative Memories” are not just projects for women who enjoy capturing memories by  pasting photos in books. Dads, you too should be creating some of your own memories for your kids that can be etched into the hallways of their mind.

As I reflect upon this year’s Father’s Day, I am reminiscing of days gone by with my own dad.  It has been 13 years since my dad breathed his last breath on this earth.  Though he is gone, he gave me more than enough great memories to last a lifetime.

Father & SonWhen I think of all the times we spent together, I smile, laugh, and cry, all in the same minute.  The times we would go to hockey practice in the wee hours of the morning, tying my skates, boating, fishing, golfing, learning to drive the car, learning together to ride a motorcycle, hugs, laughing, playing table games, traveling, camping, church, meal times, etc. My dad knew he wouldn’t be around forever, so he made sure he created enough memories for his son to last a life time.

Thanks Dad.

Are you making memories with your children that will last a life time?

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | One Comment
Who says growing old is no fun? Jun 18

Birthday CakeToday is my birthday and I turn 46 years old. I know, I know… most of you are shocked because of my youthful Brad Pitt look. (Ha.)

How did 46 sneak up on me… how did I reach this age and not be aware of it??? I think it’s because I have had so much fun along the way.  Today I was out bombing around in the convertible like a man having a mid-life crisis (I’m not!), and I was playing with my nephew and nieces, and laughing with them the whole time. They add a lot of spark to my life.

If you can’t have fun and laugh along the way, it’ll be a very long journey. I’m having more fun now than I have ever had in my life, and I wouldn’t want to turn the clock back for anything.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I was getting ready to go off to college. If you’re a teenager you probably think I’m really old, and if you’re over 70 you might consider me just a baby. One thing is for sure – I am not standing back and waiting to collect the old age pension. I still have a lot to accomplish before I take off my tennis shoes, and it doesn’t matter if you are 26, 46 or 76, there’s always more to be done.

No matter what your age, don’t stop having fun while on the journey. Growing old can be a lot of fun. Put it in 5th gear and enjoy every moment God gives you.

Pastor Donald Calder

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Who Likes Getting Wet? Jun 17

Water splash handFor some reason I don’t like being out in the rain and getting wet, and I definitely don’t like walking around in wet clothes. EXCEPT when it comes to being part of someone’s spiritual journey.

What in the world are you talking about, Donald???

Sunday I had the privilege to baptize a number of different people. The ages ranged from 8 to 68. Each person had a unique story to share with our church family. We were pumped with excitement for each person. It felt like a party… a time to celebrate.

By the time we were finished there was only 5 minutes left in the service for our Youth Pastor, James Carr, to deliver a 35-minute sermon. Needless to say, we went into overtime, but it was definitely worth it.

So who likes getting wet? Not me. But this weekend I was more than happy to walk thru the crowd in soaking wet clothes, on my way to get changed.

How about you? Are you ready to get soaking wet?

Pastor Donald Calder

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What Makes a Great Day? Jun 15

FamilyThis past Saturday was one of the first Saturdays in a very long time I had no responsibilities, so I was glad when I realized I was able to participate with Second Saturday (our church’s monthly community outreach ministry).

We (the church from the suburbs) were going to help an inner city church. We had people digging, weeding and planting; some were cleaning and building, while others were busy cooking and feeding people from the neighborhood. My job was to lead games with the kids (if I had known, I would have brought supplies/equipment). What do you do with suburban kids and inner city kids when you have nothing to work with? Thank goodness my sister was with me to come up with some good ideas (she really is the creative one in the family).

After spending my morning and part of my afternoon downtown working with the kids, one of my highlights was this little 7 or 8 year old girl who came up to me and was proud to tell me she had both a mom and a dad, and they both lived at her house. I was taken aback for a split second, because I thought, “That’s the norm… isn’t it?”

That little girl may not have much, as far as material things go, but she was happy to tell everyone she had a home with two parents. She reminded me of the important things in life, which resulted in me having a great day.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | 2 Comments
Misplaced Words Jun 11

Why is it that people’s words have such a powerful effect on me? The day can be going along quite well, and then someone makes a passing comment or sarcastic remark that crushes my spirit, although they won’t know, because I know how to hide my feelings with the right facial expression so no one knows what I’m thinking.

WordsThe same is true of someone when, off the cuff, for no good reason, they call you on the phone or send you an email that can give your day a huge boost. That is exactly what has happened to me in the last few days. People out of nowhere have been calling on the phone, emailing me, stopping me in the hallway… just to say thank you.  Let me say, that makes me want to serve and work even harder for them. I know we don’t work for people’s affirmation, but God’s Word does tell us over and over again to encourage those around you.

Who has been on your mind that you need to make a phone call to, send an email to or stop them in the hallway to say thank you?  Your words might just be the thing that will make the difference.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | 3 Comments
Rescue 911 Jun 08

Rescue 911It doesn’t always happen, but I like taking Monday as my one day off. But if you get a 911 call, you must respond.

I was home yesterday when the phone rang with a voice on the other end saying the church bus broke down at the Wild Life Park and the children from the preschool were stranded. My first thoughts were, how many cars do we need to get together to rescue the children, teachers and parents. Then I was asked if I could call another church and see if they would be willing to let us borrow their bus. I only knew of one other church that owned a bus, and they had just finished a Friday–Sunday Family conference. I thought, I can’t call them – they are recouping from a very busy weekend.

But my options were few, since renting a charter bus at the last minute was going to be very expensive. I called my recently new pastor friend who had just given me his cell number the week before. (I hope he doesn’t regret that decision.) Without hesitation he said, “Not a problem.” Within minutes the Senior Pastor, his associate and their bus driver were on their way to pick me up and go rescue the children. Not only did they provide transportation, but they brought bottled water, juice, crackers and cookies for the children, knowing they had been waiting there for a couple extra hours.

When you find yourself in a difficult situation, it’s good to have friends you can count on. That’s why we encourage people to get plugged in to a small group – so people can do life together. Don’t be left stranded with no one you can call on for help.

Thank you Russ, Chris and Barry, for going beyond the call of duty and helping us answer the 911 call.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons, StoneRidge News  | Comments off
Did you know I was a squid jigger? Jun 07

Gettin' jiggy with it.

Squid jigging is probably one of the most memorable activities I did as a teen while I spent the summers living with my grandparents. Not only was it a lot of fun, but I actually made money at the same time.

My cousin Gerry and I use to go out at midnight and fill two or three baskets of squid in a couple hours. At 20 dollars a basket, it was considered good money 30 years ago. When the adventure was over for the night I was covered in back ink, but I have to say it was well worth it. If you haven’t tried squid jigging lately, I highly recommend it.

Every now and then I take time to reflect on that past and thank God for what experiences He allowed in my life. Squid jigging is one of those experiences that taught me a few things about life.

First, life can get messy at times, but the experience is worth the final product.

Secondly, don’t do life alone. As much as I love to squid jig, I wouldn’t have enjoyed it half as much if I did it by myself, as I did with my cousin Gerry.

What is God teaching you through your life experiences, and who are you doing life with?

Pastor Donald Calder

Squid jigging is probably one of the most memorable activities I did as a teen while I spent the summers living with my grandparents. Not only was it a lot of fun, but I actually made money at the same time.

My cousin Gerry and I use to go out at midnight and fill two or three baskets of squid in a couple hours. At 20 dollars a basket, it was considered good money 30 years ago. When the adventure was over for the night I was covered in back ink, but I have to say it was well worth it. If you haven’t tried squid jigging lately, I highly recommend it.

Every now and then I take time to reflect on that past and thank God for what experiences He allowed in my life. Squid jigging is one of those experiences that taught me a few things about life.

First, life can get messy at times, but the experience is worth the final product.

Secondly, don’t do life alone. As much as I love to squid jig, I wouldn’t have enjoyed it half as much if I did it by myself, as I did with my cousin Gerry.

What is God teaching you through your life experiences, and who are you doing life with?

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | One Comment
The Big Splat Jun 04

Cape Breton MapLast week I was rushing around getting ready to leave the house and head to Cape Breton to perform a wedding, and the one thing I really wanted to do was clean my car. I didn’t want my car to stand out in the parking lot looking like I just went four-wheeling, so I made sure my car looked shiny and clean.

When I arrived in Cape Breton I drove directly to this beautiful historical home where I would be spending the night. I dropped off my bags, hopped back into the car and headed to the rehearsal.

Everything seemed to be going so well… until I went to hop back into the car. I had only been parked there a couple of minutes, but it was long enough for a flock of geese to do its damage. My shiny black car was now the color of my salt and pepper hair.  There must be a designated bird’s dumping zone in Cape Breton and I was parked in that spot. All I could do was laugh. So much for making a good impression with the cleanliness of my car. (Ha.)

Sometimes life just doesn’t go according to plan. But that doesn’t mean it needs to wreck our day. Sometimes the best solution is to have a hearty laugh.

What have you had a good laugh over lately?

Pastor Donald Calder

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When Application Fails to Stick Jun 04

I’m not much of a mechanic, but I have tried to fix a few things in my day. And what’s discouraging is when you invest a good amount of time into fixing something, and at the end of the day… it’s still broken. UGH! When application doesn't stick, use duct tape...?

The same is true about preaching. When you invest a good amount of time into preparing a message that you have studied, and prayed about, and soaked your shirt while delivering its content… and the application fails to stick. UGH!

This past Sunday I started speaking on a new series entitled True Colors, and for the next three weeks it is all about the power of words. We can breathe life into people, and we can breathe death into people by the words we use (Proverbs 18:21). So, after sharing my heart on what the Bible clearly says about complaining, I was surprised to have someone come up to me immediately after the service and… complain. I thought there would be at least a one week delay. (Ha.)

The complaint wasn’t even about me, but it felt like death being breathed into me. There are people who simply have a natural tendency to always see the negative first before they see that God is working in our midst (positive). I am not trying to minimize people’s concerns (complaints), but sometimes we just need to sit back and know God is in control, and that He uses even the things we don’t like, to accomplish his will.

I guess it’s back to the drawing board to figure out how to make application stick. UGH!

Pastor Donald Calder

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