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Archive for August, 2010

Wow. Aug 07

The 2010 Global Leadership SummitFor the last two days I have been overwhelmed with inspiration and instruction on how to be a better leader. As a pastor of this church, I must lead, and I must lead well. This year’s Leadership Summit was my 8th to attend. Every year I walk away motivated to dig in deeper and excel in my pastoral leadership. I wish I could perfect my leadership with attending just one Leadership Summit, but it will be a work in progress for the rest of my life. My apologies to those of you who must bear with me (ha).

I honestly felt like some of the guest speakers had been studying my life for the last 8 months. (Ha.) They hit me right between the eyes. God knew what I needed to learn and he delivered it on a silver platter.

This year just might be the best Summit I have attended. Every session I walked away with gold nuggets of information. To have so many from this church (spanning all ages) attend was incredible. I sense that many of us are on the same page and understand what it means to move forward and see how the Local Church is the Hope of the World.

Some things can only be described as WOW. And this year’s Leadership Summit can best be described by me as WOW.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Leadership, Life Lessons  | Comments off
Paying for Things Twice Aug 03

Paying twiceThere is no part of me that likes paying for things twice. I have always believed that payment made in full the first time should be sufficient.

Two years ago I put in a 100 foot long retaining wall at home, and was very pleased with how it turned out. In fact, there were times I found myself giddy just looking at it, knowing it made such a huge difference in the driveway.

By the time the next spring rolled around I noticed a number of rocks had shifted, and it didn’t look as straight as it once stood. I called the company to tell them of my situation, and they reassured me there was a one year guarantee. I called, and I called, and I called again. I wanted the work done before the year guarantee was over. Guess what (you know what happened); they waited long enough for the guarantee to be null and void. UGH!

I spent a lot of money to have that wall built! But after another winter and spring, I couldn’t ignore the wall any longer. I realized rocks were soon going to fall on the car because it had shifted so much, and it was so unstable.

I know what you’re thinking: “Why didn’t you just move the rocks yourself, Donald?” Good question. The answer? Each rock weighed about 400-500 lbs. I know I look strong, but that was just slightly over my max in a bench press. (Ha.)

So here I am again paying to have the wall rebuilt by another company. This time I know the guy, and he’s from the church, and I know where he lives if I have any problems (ha). I feel very confident this time the job is being done to last.

This whole experience got me thinking; I am very glad to know that my salvation doesn’t have an expiry date. I know I make loads of mistakes, however God does not wait around making excuses why He can’t help until the expiry date relieves Him of His promises to help me when in need. And His Son made a one time payment that offers a life time guarantee.

Pastor Donald Calder

Category: Life Lessons  | One Comment