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Archive for July, 2010

Why the Distance? Jul 28

Cars parked at a distanceThis morning I was the first one at the office, so I parked my car, went in to the office, and never gave it another thought. Two hours later I looked out my window and this is what I saw. The next staff member parked their car at a distance from mine and then the next car parked a distance away and then the next car did the same. [See photo.]

At first I thought, “Is this how our relationships are here at the church? No one wants to get too close to anyone?” Is it just safer to keep your distance so no one gets any scratches?

Churches can easily become a place where you go but you don’t allow anyone to get too close, and you aren’t given the opportunity to get close to anyone. When churches get in this mode, a very important dynamic is missing. The CARE is lost, and it becomes a place to go and put in time with your attendance, and maybe get your batteries charged, but that’s it. If that be the case… no wonder so many churches are dying.

I’m thankful that’s not the characteristic of StoneRidge. This church family cares for each other, even with all our bumps, bruises and baggage. There is a bond among so many that can’t be separated.

As far as the staff cars parked the way they are in the photo… I’m still trying to figure that one out. I’ll get back to you if I discover anything.

Pastor Donald Calder

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I Miss You Jul 27

For the past five years I have driven home from work by an old, weathered barn and its sagging roof.  Many times I have wondered how old that barn was; 50, 75 or even 100 years old. I would then let my mind wander and think of the many things that could have happened in that building over the years. I also found myself occasionally thinking, “I should buy that building, tear it down and use the property.” (It’s right on the lake.)

Two weeks ago, on my way to work, I noticed some construction people on the roof and thought, “Oh… they must be fixing the roof.” On my way home, I saw the work the men had done. They were not fixing the building… but dismantling it. 14 days have gone by, and little by little the men have been removing all the barn boards. They could have hired an excavator and had that building torn down and hauled away in one day. Why take all the effort?

Weathered woodUnder that rough and weathered exterior was something worth saving. The wood was dry and useable. Those men saw something that I thought was useless. I was reminded of how I often look at the exterior of someone and think there’s not much there worth saving. The book of James reminds me not to judge people by their outward profile, but to look beyond and see the inside.

Let’s not judge a person by their cover until we take a peek inside.

I can’t believe I am saying this, but… I already miss that old building

Pastor Donald Calder

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Self-Control Jul 23

Recently, my family drove to PEI for the afternoon to experience one of those amazing Lobster Dinners. You know it’s going to be a tasty experience if I drive 3 hours just to have a meal.

We arrived before the restaurant opened and were the first in line. The 6 of us waited patiently ‘til the doors opened, and then we were ushered to a table that overlooked the water.

The first thing that arrived on our table was bread and homemade rolls. The rolls were not the size of tea biscuits, but more the size of softballs. I was quite pleased with myself as I only ate 3.

I had forgotten seafood chowder was on the menu, but I did recall how delicious it was last year (and very agreeable to my taste buds), therefore I had three bowls. Mm-mm-good.

MusselsThen came the mussels… bucket after bucket. I don’t know who ate more; me or my mother. (I think I had about 126 and she had 128.)

At that moment I should’ve backed away from the table and got back in the car, but no, the garden salad arrived… with the potato salad and coleslaw.

I licked the plate clean.

LobsterThen the main meal arrived; the Lobster Dinner. That lobster was one huge guy. I cracked every piece of shell and ate the lobster dry. Oh, did I mention that by this time I had also consumed a large glass of water and 3 large Diet Cokes? I am so glad I was drinking a diet cola; otherwise who knows how much weight I would have gained that evening?

At this point I was hurting. My stomach hadn’t been that stretched since the last year I was at this restaurant. Then came dessert. The options were many, but I went with something healthy – strawberry shortcake – and while I waited for my dessert to arrive, believe it or not, I ate another roll, and ordered another diet coke.

The strawberry shortcake arrived… and it could have fed a family of four. At this point in the story, a wise person would have pushed away from the table, but oh, no – not me. I ate a second strawberry short cake.

I waddled to the car and was in pain for the next 2 days.

There is a reason the bible talks about self-control. Now I know from experience why a little restraint can keep you from a lot of pain.

Pastor Donald Calder

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Who’s looking out for you? Jul 07
Three Controlled Access Zones at the mid-point of Halifax Harbour.

3 Controlled Access Zones, mid-point Halifax Harbour. Map courtesy of the Canadian Navy:

Last week our city celebrated our Navy’s 100th Anniversary. Since there was so much going on downtown with the Queen in our city and the International Tattoo and other festivals and concerts, I took a drive downtown to gaze at all the navy ships. There were Destroyers, Submarines, Aircraft carriers and a   multitude of other Navy ships and personnel scattered throughout the city.

Looking over our beautiful harbor, I thought no one would dare attack us with this entire military in port. For a moment I felt very safe from any terrorist attack. I thought to myself, this is probably one of the safest places in the world right now. Although people probably thought the same thing when Pearl Harbor was bombed.

Shouldn’t we as followers of Christ always feel safe because God is watching over us? He’s on 24 hour patrol, and no one crosses the enemy lines unless he allows it.

There are times I allow fear to grip my life and then I have to remind myself, hey there Donald, you are under the watchful eye of God Almighty. Nothing, and I do meaning nothing, is going to happen to you unless God allows it. This truth should always allow me to live in peace and feel extremely safe.

Where do you find your safety?

Pastor Donald Calder

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Almost Missed Out Jul 06

Have you ever wanted to do something or go somewhere and the opportunity was at your fingertips, but somehow it didn’t work out? That’s how I felt recently.

The Queen waves goodbye to Julie.

The Queen waves goodbye to Julie.

Last week the Queen of England was in our city, and I wanted to go and see her, but for one reason or another I wasn’t able to get downtown when she was around. To top things off, I was shocked when I wasn’t one of the 1500 special guests invited to attend her gala.

On day three she was flying out of town, and I was moping around the office because I didn’t get a chance to see her, when someone shouted, Who wants to go to the airport to see the Queen? I shouted back, Yes! Yes! Yes! Count me in!

A few of us jumped into the car and took off for the airport, knowing she was going to be there in about 20 minutes. We made our way right in front of the gate that her motorcade would pass through, and where we would be able to see her board her plane.

WOW! We were only about 20 feet away. It was the first time I had ever seen her. It was awesome.

Later in the day, I was reminded of what the prophet Isaiah experienced. He describes seeing a glimpse of the robe that filled the temple, and he was a ruined man. Why, you ask, all because he saw a glimpse of the robe of the King of Kings? I thought my experience was a grand one, but oh, how it pales in comparison to seeing the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a day that will be when my eyes see Him for the first time and I bow my knee and acknowledge who He is.

Pastor Donald Calder

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