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Archive for June 11th, 2010

Misplaced Words Jun 11

Why is it that people’s words have such a powerful effect on me? The day can be going along quite well, and then someone makes a passing comment or sarcastic remark that crushes my spirit, although they won’t know, because I know how to hide my feelings with the right facial expression so no one knows what I’m thinking.

WordsThe same is true of someone when, off the cuff, for no good reason, they call you on the phone or send you an email that can give your day a huge boost. That is exactly what has happened to me in the last few days. People out of nowhere have been calling on the phone, emailing me, stopping me in the hallway… just to say thank you.  Let me say, that makes me want to serve and work even harder for them. I know we don’t work for people’s affirmation, but God’s Word does tell us over and over again to encourage those around you.

Who has been on your mind that you need to make a phone call to, send an email to or stop them in the hallway to say thank you?  Your words might just be the thing that will make the difference.

Pastor Donald Calder

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