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Archive for June 3rd, 2010

A New Experience Jun 03
Not your typical town hall meeting.

Not your typical town hall meeting.

I experienced my first ‘church town hall’ meeting last night. WOW!

I admit; I walked in with some trepidation. The future can sometimes be unsettling if you don’t already know the outcome. (For those who are tempted to email me that I shouldn’t fear the future because it is in God’s hands… I already know… I am working on that area of my life.)

Town Hall meetings can be very helpful and informative or they can have the ingredients to be explosive. When people have concerns and share them with a spirit of grace, their character shines through. What I witnessed last night was a room full of gracious people.

I love this church, and I love the people that attend this church, even the ones I don’t always see eye to eye with on certain things. No church is filled with perfect people… but I think we come close. (Ha.)

Thanks to everyone who attended last night’s meeting, and for your input. If you missed it, we plan to have another town hall meeting in the fall, but if you feel you have a burning question that can’t wait that long, by all means, send it along to our church board via

Pastor Donald Calder

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Failure…UGH!! Jun 03
Commodus says: Fail.

Commodus says... fail!

If you’re anything like me, you don’t like to fail.

Somewhere along this journey of growing and maturing into adults, we’ve learned that failure is unacceptable. But what happens when you find yourself in leadership? Many get paralyzed because they have this fear of failure. Fear is one of the enemy’s greatest tools. When we are afraid to fail, we fail to dream. If you are going to dream and follow through on some of those dreams, failure is not an option – it is a must.

Leo Buscaglia said it well: “We seem to gain wisdom more readily throughout our failures than through our successes. We always think of failure as the antitheses of success, but it isn’t. Success often lies just the other side of failure.”

Craig Groeschel said, “If you are not failing, you have stopped dreaming. You‘ll eventually stop learning. And you will stop growing. Those who have ‘it’, fail often.”

Let me be honest… I have failed many times, and in doing so I am learning how to fail gracefully, and am learning some principles along the way. Thankfully God isn’t finished with me yet.

Join us this year as we learn about failure AND success during the 2010 Global Leadership Summit on August 5-6.

Pastor Donald Calder

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